VoucherCart Software update: 26th Oct 2018

Today, we’re rolling out a few changes based on feedback from our customers and planned updates. Our changes aim to extend the features of VoucherCart, and make it easier to use. 

Advanced Discount Codes (New)

Issue single or multiple discount codes which can be used by customers to receive fixed price or percentage discounts on one or more vouchers, gift cards or tickets.

  • Set a usage window for your codes (Start/End Date/Time).
  • Set codes to carry a (fixed price) or (percentage) discount.
  • Define how many times each code can be used. (Global Use Limit)
  • Define how many times a customer can use a code.
  • Track sales performance relating to your codes.
  • Set a cart (spend threshold) for your buyers, required for discount.
  • Define which vouchers gift cards and tickets codes can be used with.

Discount Codes Software release

Redeem Locations (New)

Set redeem locations at which vouchers may be used. Vouchers may be defined as redeemable at one or more redeem locations. Redeem location data output to Redeem reports.

Sales Page(s) – Styling Update

Page styling controls have been updated to enable placement of header images, content overlays, header and column layouts and new font styling.

Sales page(s) styling update

Luxury A4 Voucher Design (New)

New luxury A4 Voucher Styling.

Luxury A4 Voucher Styling