VoucherCart Software update: 11th Aug 2020
In August 2020, we have rolled out some software releases based on feedback from our customers and planned new feature updates. The changes we’ve made include new features/product enhancements listed below as well as extensions of existing features and functionality. These changes extend the capabilities of the VoucherCart platform for our valued customers.
Open Discounts (Extended)
Our open discounts tool allows you to apply discounts instantly to any/all vouchers for sale.
Location-specific user redeem permissions
If your business has many users/team members with permission to redeem vouchers and you have many redeem locations at which voucher holders can redeem their vouchers the new location-specific user redeem permissions will give you the control and resolution you need.
Each redeem location you have added to your account is presented for each system user in user permission settings, allowing you to quickly and easily set redeem permissions for any/all locations at user level.