Discount Codes
Discount codes offer a quick and easy way to offer your customers a percentage or fixed price discount on one or more vouchers, gift cards or tickets available for sale.
VoucherCart supports the creation of both single and multiple-code discounts which can be applied to all vouchers gift cards and tickets or specific vouchers or groups of vouchers for sale.
You can then issue your discount codes to your customers via email social media, and publish them on your website.
- Set a usage window for your codes (Start/End Date/Time).
- Set codes to carry a (fixed price) or (percentage) discount.
- Define how many times each code can be used. (Global Use Limit)
- Define how many times a customer can use a code.
- Track sales performance relating to your codes.
- Set a cart (spend threshold) for your buyers, required for discount.
- Define which vouchers gift cards and tickets codes can be used with.
Discount Codes
Discount codes offer a quick and easy way to offer your customers a percentage or fixed price discount on one or more vouchers, gift cards or tickets available for sale.
VoucherCart supports the creation of both single and multiple-code discounts which can be applied to all vouchers gift cards and tickets or specific vouchers or groups of vouchers for sale.
You can then issue your discount codes to your customers via email social media, and publish them on your website.
- Set a usage window for your codes (Start/End Date/Time).
- Set codes to carry a (fixed price) or (percentage) discount.
- Define how many times each code can be used. (Global Use Limit)
- Define how many times a customer can use a code.
- Track sales performance relating to your codes.
- Set a cart (spend threshold) for your buyers, required for discount.
- Define which vouchers gift cards and tickets codes can be used with.